We had a blast at the beach house this week. Avery had an incredible time with her 5 older east coast cousins and bonded with each of them. She particularly loved running around in the sand and sitting on the edge of the ocean playing with her beach toys. Thanks again to Grandma and Grandpop for making another yearly vacation possible!!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
LBI 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
18 months!
She can get up and down off the couch by herself, open and close doors, play with a bucket and shovel at the sandbox and pet her cats Missy and Monty (although she calls them nah-nah).
Here are some new pics... and we'll do another update after our vacation at the beach!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Long time, no blog
Couple quick Avery updates. We had a great visit with Marmel the beginning of February. Avery's highlight (actually everyone's highlight) of the trip was a visit to the Chocolate Room here in Brooklyn. Everyone's mood elevated just from the yummy smell and the chocolate was delicious! Avery tried many many many bites of my hot fudge brownie sundae and of course she loved it (who wouldn't??).
In genius news, Avery loves her sign language dvds and has started to sign a couple words. She has signed eat for a while now (which helps us know when she's hungry, of course), but her new signs are go to sleep, book and cat. What a smarty pants.
In developmental news, Avery has been finger walking (cruising) around the furniture for many months now, but she took her first official steps last week while Scott was on the phone with Aunt Shana. Luckily for me, she repeated a couple steps later on in the night for me to witness.
Sorry for the lack of blogginess recently... we will try to keep up!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Big girl
Avery is a year old! We're not sure how this happened, but somehow a whole year has passed, and we find ourselves with a sweet little toddler. It's been an amazing year with Avery, and Cheryl and I are both very excited to see the changes ahead in her second year.
AJ opening the last of her BD presents. She is crazy about this pink dog, a gift from my paralegal.
We celebrated her BD in Brooklyn with some cupcakes from our regular dessert place in the neighborhood. Did Avery like the cupcakes? You be the judge...
By the end of the cupcake and the attendant sugar rush, AJ looked like she'd been out partying in NYC for 48 hours straight. It wasn't bath night when we started the cupcake, but it was afterwards!
Grandma and grandpop also came to celebrate on AJ's birthday weekend, and brought us a great lunch from a deli in NJ.
There have been some other exciting changes in Avery's life lately. The biggest one is that she went to the allergist who told us that AJ's dairy allergy is now officially downgraded to a milk protein intolerance. We have started her on whole milk and she's been tolerating it beautifully, and chugging enthusiastically.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
We've had an exciting couple of weeks. It started off with a great visit with Uncle Rick and Aunt Shelley in Arizona! AJ did great on the long flight, and had a ball hanging out with Rick & Shell.
Avery and Rick got along swimmingly. Rick dubbed her "Meat Ball," which is as accurate a nickname as we've heard for her. Unfortunately, we only got one pic of the two of them together. About two minutes after this one was taken, Meat Ball had a minor blowout onto Rick and the leather loveseat. Great manners we're teaching her.
Avery and Aunt Shelley also had a ball. Here they are reading I Like it When, one of her favorite books. Fortunately there was no poop this time.
More of everyone feeling very comfortable around each other.
"Hey, Aunt Shelley, thanks for letting me play in your kitchen!!"
Shana with the new baby of the family, Lila!
Next up was an early BD party / late Hanukkah party at Mom's house. AJ had a specially made vegan cake (due to possible lingering milk allergy issues). She loved it, and alternated between bites of cake and bites of edamame. Yum!
Aunt Lisa entertained the heck out of AJ with a mylar balloon!
Then came the presents. Evidently, Avery found this one to be fascinating!
Me with two of the three cousins. But where's Tillie?
There she is, in the cabinet! Scotty and Shana let her out for a few minutes to play, which was nice for everyone.
Some more pics from a great brunch at Shana's house.
Grandpa Morrie, aka Grandpa Mush, with his youngest great-grandchild.
My girls (and my dad's watch).
After a long week of travel, and a fun New Year's Eve party at Marmel's, we finally made it back to Brooklyn. Our luggage made it back a day later. The three of us had a nice, long weekend together, highlighted by Avery's first trip to the Brooklyn Museum.