Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy 32nd Birthday dear Scott,
Happy Birthday to you!!!
Love, Cheryl and Avery
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Lisa and Tyler's Wedding Weekend
We just got back from Cincinnati last night and Aunt Lisa and Uncle Tyler's wedding!!! It was a fun and hectic weekend for all and the wedding was of course lovely and beautiful! Here's a couple pics from cousin Kelly's camera (thanks Kel!) I'm sure there are 27 versions of the last picture, so when a better one is shared (one in which Tyler is not blocking Lynda and Tad), we'll re-post.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Just a couple new pics....
Couple random pics from the week... brunch with friends on Sunday. Here's Brittany holding a happy Avery.
Monday, August 11, 2008
play, play, play
We went to Rye Playland for Scott's company outing (an amusement park in Westchester, NY). Avery was too tiny for any of the rides, but we had a good time hanging out on the boardwalk and walking the pier with her.
Avery thinks she is riding a bull - OLE!
Part of the boardwalk that was in the movie BIG (where little Tom Hanks finds the Zoltar fortune teller).
A hot, sweaty baby ready to go home... but she's still smiling (or just sucking her bottom lip).
We upgraded a borrowed swing for a borrowed jumparoo! It took Avery all of 1 minute to figure out that this thing was tons of fun. She LOVES bouncing up and down and up and down and up and down.
And she's still having fun in her exersaucer...
And having fun playing with Mommy's scarf/turbin on the bed...
And wishing she could chase after the ball I won for her at Rye Playland.
Bottom line, she's been playing a lot these days and having a great time! She's such a pleasure and smiling all the time. We also like experimenting with different solid foods now that she gets 3 full meals a day. She hasn't met a food yet that she doesn't like (well, maybe peas).
OH - and Avery turned 7 months yesterday!!!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Lila Charlotte
Our new neice and Avery's only younger cousin was born Thursday morning!
We love her already and can't wait to meet her in 3 weeks.
Mazel Tov to Shana, Scotty and Tillie!!!
Here's some pics of Avery's building friend Keira. Keira's already one years old so their admiration for each other is quite different, but Keira's mom and I have become quite close watching these two grow up.