Monday, January 7, 2008

Last Pre-Labor Entry!!!

Update!!!!! As of today, I still have not dilated at all, although I have pretty minor contractions. We are heading to the hospital Wednesday night for a scheduled inducement and then if all goes well, we should have a baby by late Thursday afternoon/early evening. As you can imagine, we are super nervous and excited and it'll be hard to rest the next 2 days with all of this anticipation!!!

As requested, here are my last pregnancy pictures!

Next time we post, no one (thankfully) will want to see me anymore, and they'll just want to see baby Avery!

1 comment:

Lisa Griebling said...

Yay! Thanks for the pictures... you look great! Good luck at the hospital- we're all thinking of you and can't wait to meet Avery!!! xoxo