Thursday, September 13, 2007

New Nephew

Today was special because we got to meet our new nephew, Ryan, who was born yesterday afternoon. We spent about an hour at the hospital in NJ with Elissa and Jon, then Ken and Peggy showed up to meet the baby as well. It was a lot of fun.
Ryan already seems like a cool little guy. He's 7 lbs, 5 oz, was very calm throughout our visit, and occasionally peeked open an eye halfway to catch a glimpse of the world. He had a few moments of strong & healthy sounding cries, but was always easily consoled.

Anyway, it was great to welcome a new member to the family. We both feel lucky now to have six nieces and nephews, all of whom are healthy, sweet and fun kids. Hopefully more to come in the years ahead! Anyway, enjoy these pics of us with Ryan, Elissa & Jon.


Unknown said...

the baby is so darling. i'm glad to meet him thru pics...


Unknown said...

What a great idea your blog is! Ryan is adorable and you two sure look great holding him.

Congratulations on the new addition to your family.

See you soon!